Overall I really like this piece. Easy to put together and its cute for small spaces. The negative review is for the defective drawer. The front drawer panel has holes with post you put in so that it can slide into the drawer unit. On just one of the drawers, the holes do NOT line up with the drawer so I am unable to attach them. Ive tried contacting the seller 3 times no in the last week with no response. In the picture you can actually see that the holes on both sides dont even match up.
This seems sturdy and easy enough to assemble, maybe?! But the are missing an essential part, and I can’t assemble it. Because it isn’t a Prime purchase, getting a hold of the seller is difficult.
Overall, I won’t recommend this console table.
First, the packaging was so bad, it looks the box was opened before, I was expecting the worst, thank goodness no missing pieces and just a minor damage in a corner of one of the incredibly cheap laminated boards, the styrene foam was broken and made such a mess when opened the box. Never seen this in other items I got from .
Second, it is made of the cheapest and poorest quality particle board, just from securing the screws it was particle board residue everywhere and it seems those points will give up with use.
And third, it does look like the pictures but for the time that it takes to ensamble it, avoiding to damage it just putting the screws in place, it is not worthy. I was planing to return this item, but I kept going with the ensamble, just thinking in the mess putting it back I the box!
If anyone can afford something else don’t buy this product, it is a matter of time this console table will be falling apart and ending in the garbage.
I liked everything about this product except for the color. It is listed as white, but it actually looked very yellow in person, which did not match our decor at all. I really wish it had been white, or even a nice off-white would have been ok.
Overall great except defective drawer
Overall I really like this piece. Easy to put together and its cute for small spaces. The negative review is for the defective drawer. The front drawer panel has holes with post you put in so that it can slide into the drawer unit. On just one of the drawers, the holes do NOT line up with the drawer so I am unable to attach them. Ive tried contacting the seller 3 times no in the last week with no response. In the picture you can actually see that the holes on both sides dont even match up.
Missing an essential part for assembly
This seems sturdy and easy enough to assemble, maybe?! But the are missing an essential part, and I can’t assemble it. Because it isn’t a Prime purchase, getting a hold of the seller is difficult.
no instructions included
I am returning this item since no assembly instructions were included....extremely disappointed, I mean WTF
It is ok for a small room.
Product does take time to build but isn’t very difficult. It is small so great for a small room. Not solid wood, particle Board.
Very poor quality
Overall, I won’t recommend this console table. First, the packaging was so bad, it looks the box was opened before, I was expecting the worst, thank goodness no missing pieces and just a minor damage in a corner of one of the incredibly cheap laminated boards, the styrene foam was broken and made such a mess when opened the box. Never seen this in other items I got from . Second, it is made of the cheapest and poorest quality particle board, just from securing the screws it was particle board residue everywhere and it seems those points will give up with use. And third, it does look like the pictures but for the time that it takes to ensamble it, avoiding to damage it just putting the screws in place, it is not worthy. I was planing to return this item, but I kept going with the ensamble, just thinking in the mess putting it back I the box! If anyone can afford something else don’t buy this product, it is a matter of time this console table will be falling apart and ending in the garbage.
Actual color not as described
I liked everything about this product except for the color. It is listed as white, but it actually looked very yellow in person, which did not match our decor at all. I really wish it had been white, or even a nice off-white would have been ok.
easy to assemble
color is accurate and good quality
Poor paint quality
Paint finish isn’t of good quality. It is rough feeling in spots, shiny in some areas and dull in others.
Wooden edges are sharp.
Returned item. Wooden edges corner too sharp. Otherwise it looks durable. I returned item
Great table however, color not accurate
Nice table but color not as described in photo. Distressed with RED accents NOT brown as shown in picture.
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