The instructions are clear as mud. You pretty much have to just look at a picture and figure out which size bolt to use. Not as sturdy as I had hoped. Im anxious to see if it stays tight after much use. Beautiful and Sturdy.
It was really difficult to put together but it is sturdy enough for a 350 lb women on the bottom and a teenager on the top. As described would buy again.
I bought this twin/over/queen bed and a twin/over/full bunk / now I can sleep a lot of visiting grandkids in one room. This bed is probably faster to assemble than the ones with all the bed slats, because it has sections of welded steel bars to support the mattress. All I know is that it weighs a ton when assembled. LOL! For as big as it is, it doesnt overwhelm the room, though. Very happy with this purchase Very durable.
It took three adults to assemble it, mostly because it was late and we were tired. The directions are rotten and the illustrations vague. We ended up having to redo a few steps because we had missed a detail that affected a later step. I guess we could have avoided that to an extent if wed read through everything first to get a better idea of the steps. But my dad commented that the design is really good engineering and keeps the bed sturdy. Unfortunately, because it is metal, it definitely makes noise and has a bit of a wobble even when assembled just right. But I definitely dont have any concerns about the safety of the beds. My biggest gripe is that the top bunk is the same length as the bottom, but it only accommodates a full mattress while the bottom accommodates a queen. This leaves a gap at the head and foot of the top bunk. We remedied that by wedging a large body pillow at the head of the bed. Works great!
So, in conclusion, I have a few points of contention, but overall, were pretty satisfied. Assembled Quickly.
well worth it.
I love it it makes so much space, very comfortable, it was a great choice. Amazing.
Good bunk bed for more space in a rental
I use this for a room in my Airbnb and its been great! Like!
Just ok
The instructions are clear as mud. You pretty much have to just look at a picture and figure out which size bolt to use. Not as sturdy as I had hoped. Im anxious to see if it stays tight after much use. Beautiful and Sturdy.
Not bad for the price
Not hard to put together but there are a lot of peices Amazing product.
Hard to assemble Great product
It was really difficult to put together but it is sturdy enough for a 350 lb women on the bottom and a teenager on the top. As described would buy again.
Great bunk bed. I highly recommend it.
Nice piece of furniture. Easy to follow instructions. It will take you a while to assemble if you do not have the proper tools. It works.
Sturdy easy assembly instruction
We put this bed in our cabin. The bunk is long enough and sturdy enough for our adult guests. Works well.
How to sleep a lot of people in one room
I bought this twin/over/queen bed and a twin/over/full bunk / now I can sleep a lot of visiting grandkids in one room. This bed is probably faster to assemble than the ones with all the bed slats, because it has sections of welded steel bars to support the mattress. All I know is that it weighs a ton when assembled. LOL! For as big as it is, it doesnt overwhelm the room, though. Very happy with this purchase Very durable.
Worth the buy!
Love the bed! Very good value.
A good choice for older kids in a small room
It took three adults to assemble it, mostly because it was late and we were tired. The directions are rotten and the illustrations vague. We ended up having to redo a few steps because we had missed a detail that affected a later step. I guess we could have avoided that to an extent if wed read through everything first to get a better idea of the steps. But my dad commented that the design is really good engineering and keeps the bed sturdy. Unfortunately, because it is metal, it definitely makes noise and has a bit of a wobble even when assembled just right. But I definitely dont have any concerns about the safety of the beds. My biggest gripe is that the top bunk is the same length as the bottom, but it only accommodates a full mattress while the bottom accommodates a queen. This leaves a gap at the head and foot of the top bunk. We remedied that by wedging a large body pillow at the head of the bed. Works great! So, in conclusion, I have a few points of contention, but overall, were pretty satisfied. Assembled Quickly.
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