Very sturdy! The color was a touch darker than I expected but I wasnt concerned with that. It takes a while to put together but the instructions and the parts make it all easy to figure out.
This TV stand is very sturdy and has a good amount of weight to it. Has plenty of shelves for storing different electronics. Looks great with the dark aged wood finish!
Bought this for my son for his new condo. Went together real easy and holds large T.v well.
They love it. Paid about 225.00 for the one we bought. The grey colar is very nice looking and modern
Better than expected. It looks great in the space, (better than the online pictures), plenty of storage space, the top open shelf works well for our gaming consoles (allows for air flow).
I love this cabinet once it was assembled. It is quite beautiful and very worth the money spent. The pieces are all labeled but the instructions arent very clear. It is a 20 step process so it is a 3 to 4 hour job and you definitely need two people. We became quite confused around step 8 through 20. Be very careful when putting the metal on rail that the barn door slides on. We had it upside down because the instructions were not clear and we had to take it off and redo. That step is like 3 or 4 and we were worried we would have to undo everything. However we figured it out without having to tear it apart
Love it!
It was difficult to put together but it very sturdy. I love the color and look.
Very nice piece
Very nice piece in my sons room. Well priced a d very sturdy. Love it and going to buy another one for my other son!
Wanted something inexpensive that was not too big for my apartment.
Great quality with simple instructions
Very sturdy! The color was a touch darker than I expected but I wasnt concerned with that. It takes a while to put together but the instructions and the parts make it all easy to figure out.
Great entertainment stand
Very sturdy and attractive. Cutouts in back allow for cable and electrical access. Extra hardware means youre not counting nuts and bolts.
Great sturdy TV stand
This TV stand is very sturdy and has a good amount of weight to it. Has plenty of shelves for storing different electronics. Looks great with the dark aged wood finish!
real nice piece for the money
Bought this for my son for his new condo. Went together real easy and holds large T.v well. They love it. Paid about 225.00 for the one we bought. The grey colar is very nice looking and modern looking.
Good value, looks good
Better than expected. It looks great in the space, (better than the online pictures), plenty of storage space, the top open shelf works well for our gaming consoles (allows for air flow).
Instructions are pictures. Its a two person job
I love this cabinet once it was assembled. It is quite beautiful and very worth the money spent. The pieces are all labeled but the instructions arent very clear. It is a 20 step process so it is a 3 to 4 hour job and you definitely need two people. We became quite confused around step 8 through 20. Be very careful when putting the metal on rail that the barn door slides on. We had it upside down because the instructions were not clear and we had to take it off and redo. That step is like 3 or 4 and we were worried we would have to undo everything. However we figured it out without having to tear it apart
I have a more secure product and look amazing
love it.I have a more secure product and look amazing
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