Easy to assemble except for donning the fabric over the cushions, but it was doable. The chair itself is very comfortable! We love it for story time with our toddler! Sturdier than I expected
Easy to assemble. Very light. Seems sturdy so far but the cushion is a bit hard and the chair leans so far back into a recline that its hard for my sitter to get in and hard my toddler to get off without falling out on the floor.Emma
When putting these together, I thought, these are for light weight people / not someone of substantial body mass.
I was wrong.
These chairs go together solidly. Feel very sturdy when you sit in them. They do have a more reclined angle than upright sitting position, but that works well for us. so beautiful and wonderful
Really happy with my nursing chair! We have a tight space to fit it, and it seemed a bit more narrow than the Ikea Poang chair. My husband and I both fit great in this chair. I wanted a more narrow armchair as so that we can get full support when nursing our little one. Babies get heavy without an arm support!
It rocks nicely and we wanted a pouf for our feet to keep it somewhat stable.
The birch plywood is a really soft colour and quite durable! Took about 15/20 minutes to assemble, and the parcel arrived about 6 days early Pretty comfy for the price
Love this rocker! Item arrived on time. Assembly required. When assembling, make sure to install all screws loosely first before finally tightening all down so as to leave room for adjustment to properly align holes for screw placement if needed. The chair is very comfortable. Quality is good. Color is quite a bit darker than it looks in the picture, more of a dark grey, but very pretty and I love the style. If you are looking for a soft cushioned chair this is not the one for you. The cushion is very firm, but I prefer that so no issues there. For reference, I am 54 1/2 tall. My length is in my legs and I am short from the waist up. The seat back is ergonomically designed and comfortable for me and while my feet do not sit flat on the floor, my toes and the balls of my feet do touch the floor so for me there are no issues with being able to rock but if that is an issue for you then the addition of a small footstool would solve that problem. If you are 56 and above then you should have no problem with your entire foot making contact with the floor. Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and would recommend this chair. it is the best product.
Very comfortable and functional!
Easy to assemble except for donning the fabric over the cushions, but it was doable. The chair itself is very comfortable! We love it for story time with our toddler! Sturdier than I expected
Decent for the price
Easy to assemble. Very light. Seems sturdy so far but the cushion is a bit hard and the chair leans so far back into a recline that its hard for my sitter to get in and hard my toddler to get off without falling out on the floor.Emma
Great buy!
Very comfortable and a great value. Fits well in any decor! I would definitely buy again.
Comfortable rocker
When putting these together, I thought, these are for light weight people / not someone of substantial body mass. I was wrong. These chairs go together solidly. Feel very sturdy when you sit in them. They do have a more reclined angle than upright sitting position, but that works well for us. so beautiful and wonderful
Very good
Like it Im happy with my purchase
Narrow (great for nursing) and very comfy! Easy to assemble
Really happy with my nursing chair! We have a tight space to fit it, and it seemed a bit more narrow than the Ikea Poang chair. My husband and I both fit great in this chair. I wanted a more narrow armchair as so that we can get full support when nursing our little one. Babies get heavy without an arm support! It rocks nicely and we wanted a pouf for our feet to keep it somewhat stable. The birch plywood is a really soft colour and quite durable! Took about 15/20 minutes to assemble, and the parcel arrived about 6 days early Pretty comfy for the price
Great chair!
I bought this since we were having grand babies but I love the look and we get tons of complements on it!! Highly recommend
Love it.
Love everything about it. Looks great, strudy, and comfortable. Quality seems to be good so far
Good buy
I said that I liked it. Do you want more comments Well made and comfy!
Love this rocker! Item arrived on time. Assembly required. When assembling, make sure to install all screws loosely first before finally tightening all down so as to leave room for adjustment to properly align holes for screw placement if needed. The chair is very comfortable. Quality is good. Color is quite a bit darker than it looks in the picture, more of a dark grey, but very pretty and I love the style. If you are looking for a soft cushioned chair this is not the one for you. The cushion is very firm, but I prefer that so no issues there. For reference, I am 54 1/2 tall. My length is in my legs and I am short from the waist up. The seat back is ergonomically designed and comfortable for me and while my feet do not sit flat on the floor, my toes and the balls of my feet do touch the floor so for me there are no issues with being able to rock but if that is an issue for you then the addition of a small footstool would solve that problem. If you are 56 and above then you should have no problem with your entire foot making contact with the floor. Overall, I am very pleased with my purchase and would recommend this chair. it is the best product.
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