Long time to assemble. But worth the time. It was difficult at times to get together but not any more difficult than any other trampoline brand. It it sturdy when put together and exceeds my safety expectations! worht the price for sure!
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Love it so far! Seems sturdy and well built. The instructions were a little unclear, but overall not too hard to assemble.
They Look perfect in my quest room The package was really damaged upon arrival but the product inside seems fully intact so far, so the full review is still pending.
sturdy and comfort! Perfect size! Love the weight limit so I can get in with my son, it is sturdy and recommend it. He loves it and spends every day on it! Really tires him out, great product!
Kids love it
My four kids 4-10 year old love it!
Easy to put together
Great instructions makes it easy to put together. Definitely a two person job.
difficult at times but sturdy good trampoline with net
Long time to assemble. But worth the time. It was difficult at times to get together but not any more difficult than any other trampoline brand. It it sturdy when put together and exceeds my safety expectations! worht the price for sure!
Excellent product and the kids loved it.
Great size and quality
Looked very nice Our children love this trampoline! It is also just the right size for our backyard space. Great quality!
So far so good!
If youre thinking about it...Order it! Love it so far! Seems sturdy and well built. The instructions were a little unclear, but overall not too hard to assemble.
Solid product.
They Look perfect in my quest room The package was really damaged upon arrival but the product inside seems fully intact so far, so the full review is still pending.
My daughter loves it
Comfortable Easy assembly Took a little longer than expected to assemble but finally got it. My daughter loves it.
My 3 kids ages 9, 4, 2 all fit perfectly
Daughter liked the birthday gift Very sturdy! Kids loved it !
Great trampoline!
sturdy and comfort! Perfect size! Love the weight limit so I can get in with my son, it is sturdy and recommend it. He loves it and spends every day on it! Really tires him out, great product!
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