Love this trampoline. It is easy to assemble and my little ones love it. It had all the safety features. The only thing missing is a ladder but we just use their plastic slide.
After a lot of research, we chose this trampoline for our 2 kids (2 5). Size is perfect and the trampoline is extremely sturdy! It took a few adults a few hours to assemble...but the instructions were very clear and we are so glad we chose this one! Great price and a lot of fun.
I was surprised at how wobbly it is. It definitely isnt a solid structure but Im not afraid of it falling apart or anything. I feel pretty unstable when I jump on it but the kids love it and it works well enough for our needs.
Easy enough to put together- two guys only took 2 and a half hrs at a leisurely pace with zero cursing lol. Perfect for my daughter who turned 4- will be great at least til shes 7-8 Perfect size, didnt take up a humongous space but still large enough to jump freely - great color, safety net spring.
My kids and I love this thing! I have had a couple of trampolines. Trampolines are incredibly hard to install because of the springs, this is not unique too this manufacture. I recommend having a minimum of two people available to help install this thing. Other than that is absolutely amazing!
Got this for my kids for Christmas and they love it! Its holding up super well even through snow and winds from tornadoes. Would definitely repurchase a thousand times over.
It took awhile to get it together but thats because I had an 8 year old helping and somehow we put a few things backwards and the instructions werent too clear but we looked it up on youtube and got a somewhat clearer instruction, it was a different model but it worked. Got it up, somethings are still backwards but it is secure.
I wish I bought a ladder, that may be in the future! Anyway the kid spent most of the day bouncing so amazing.
Great trampoline
Love this trampoline. It is easy to assemble and my little ones love it. It had all the safety features. The only thing missing is a ladder but we just use their plastic slide.
Sturdy FUN!
After a lot of research, we chose this trampoline for our 2 kids (2 5). Size is perfect and the trampoline is extremely sturdy! It took a few adults a few hours to assemble...but the instructions were very clear and we are so glad we chose this one! Great price and a lot of fun.
Not super sturdy, but fine for little kids
I was surprised at how wobbly it is. It definitely isnt a solid structure but Im not afraid of it falling apart or anything. I feel pretty unstable when I jump on it but the kids love it and it works well enough for our needs.
Great trampoline
Its a good trampoline. The recommended weight limit isnt very high so if you get two adults jumping it can be a little sketchy
Great all around for 4 yr old!
Easy enough to put together- two guys only took 2 and a half hrs at a leisurely pace with zero cursing lol. Perfect for my daughter who turned 4- will be great at least til shes 7-8 Perfect size, didnt take up a humongous space but still large enough to jump freely - great color, safety net spring.
Thank you!
My kids and I love this thing! I have had a couple of trampolines. Trampolines are incredibly hard to install because of the springs, this is not unique too this manufacture. I recommend having a minimum of two people available to help install this thing. Other than that is absolutely amazing!
Difficult to assemble
The directions were hard to understand and the safety net never did stand upright on the poles correctly.
Great product, great price
Got this for my kids for Christmas and they love it! Its holding up super well even through snow and winds from tornadoes. Would definitely repurchase a thousand times over.
Great for the price
The girls love this especially the color. Holding up well so far. The enclosure is a must.
Wonderful! If you cant figure out the instructions YouTube it.
It took awhile to get it together but thats because I had an 8 year old helping and somehow we put a few things backwards and the instructions werent too clear but we looked it up on youtube and got a somewhat clearer instruction, it was a different model but it worked. Got it up, somethings are still backwards but it is secure. I wish I bought a ladder, that may be in the future! Anyway the kid spent most of the day bouncing so amazing.
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