It fits my tiny room in NYC. Sturdy, I used a firm 8/inch mattress on top and a 6/inch for the trundle / it fits perfectly. It has missing parts, I ordered the parts online, and they sent it to me within a week. I got it for 345 from with original price of 599 from the company / very good deal! Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Bought the bed for my daughters room and put it together before she came home from school. She loved it and as long as shes happy, Im ecstatic. Not so bad.
This was easy to assemble. The directions are very clear with lots of pictures. The hardware comes packaged all labeled and with extra pieces included. The hardware is high quality, sturdy, way better than any other brand. Took me about four hours by myself and Im an old lady. Well worth the money. This item is good! Satisfied.
I actually assembled most of this myself in a few hours. The directions are very easy to follow and love how all the screws and such are in separate containers, along with the tool needed. I purchased the denim blue daybed and its a very pretty color. I also chose 6 twin mattresses so it fits in the trundle and the top mattress isnt so high that it covers the arms of the daybed. Perfect for my home office that is occasionally a guest room. Well made and packaged.
Came super fast, little time consuming putting it all together, but I did it alone and had never attempted to put anything together like that before. Took several hours doing it alone. Seems study and is perfect for extra guests that you may have. Great price and somewhat durable.
Im extremely happy with my new bed. I waited for 6 months for the price to go down and my patience did pay off. The quality of the fabric and construction exceeded my expectations. Its difficult for 1 person to build but not impossible since I built it all by myself. I cant wait to sleep in my new bed tonight. Looks nice and sturdy.
Best lightweight durable daybed. A great addition to my room. The bed is study and because of the low back makes the room look very spacious. The fabric is beautiful and the slats are study enough to hold kids and adults. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
Ideal for small room. Sturdy
It fits my tiny room in NYC. Sturdy, I used a firm 8/inch mattress on top and a 6/inch for the trundle / it fits perfectly. It has missing parts, I ordered the parts online, and they sent it to me within a week. I got it for 345 from with original price of 599 from the company / very good deal! Pretty sturdy. Good size.
Great quality
This perfect for my grandkids visits. Bought two and love them Really Worth it..
As advertised
Bought the bed for my daughters room and put it together before she came home from school. She loved it and as long as shes happy, Im ecstatic. Not so bad.
For my daughter
My 9 year old loves it! Overall good.
Sturdy, beautiful
This was easy to assemble. The directions are very clear with lots of pictures. The hardware comes packaged all labeled and with extra pieces included. The hardware is high quality, sturdy, way better than any other brand. Took me about four hours by myself and Im an old lady. Well worth the money. This item is good! Satisfied.
Easy to Assemble and Very Pretty!
I actually assembled most of this myself in a few hours. The directions are very easy to follow and love how all the screws and such are in separate containers, along with the tool needed. I purchased the denim blue daybed and its a very pretty color. I also chose 6 twin mattresses so it fits in the trundle and the top mattress isnt so high that it covers the arms of the daybed. Perfect for my home office that is occasionally a guest room. Well made and packaged.
Just what I wanted
Came super fast, little time consuming putting it all together, but I did it alone and had never attempted to put anything together like that before. Took several hours doing it alone. Seems study and is perfect for extra guests that you may have. Great price and somewhat durable.
The quality of the fabric and construction exceeded my expectations
Im extremely happy with my new bed. I waited for 6 months for the price to go down and my patience did pay off. The quality of the fabric and construction exceeded my expectations. Its difficult for 1 person to build but not impossible since I built it all by myself. I cant wait to sleep in my new bed tonight. Looks nice and sturdy.
Great bed
We bought this bed for our daughter! Its sturdy, great quality and a perfect fit to her room. Highly recommend!! thanks great product.
Great bed for guest/girls room
Best lightweight durable daybed. A great addition to my room. The bed is study and because of the low back makes the room look very spacious. The fabric is beautiful and the slats are study enough to hold kids and adults. easy assemble, exactly as expected, space saver.
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