This piece honestly kind of exceeded my expectations! My husband said it was easy to put together and the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. This piece took him an hour to put together overall and it did take two of us to lift it and get it secured on the French Cleat. I am giving 4 stars due to 2 design complaints. First the bottom hole is to small to fit a flat 3 prong surge protector plug and almost to small for your standard plug. It would also be really nice if the back allowed space for cord hiding and organization like other wall mounted entertainment centers do instead of being flesh up against the wall. It forces you to leave cords piled in where the door can cover but overall I am happy with my purchase so far. The price is reasonable though.
This is a very nice piece. It was fairly easy to put together. Its got a few pieces so it took us about an hour to put it together. Its sturdy and very handsome in my husbands man cave. its very nice and I love the color. Worth it
Could not use the metal piece on the back to attach it to the wall, it would stay straight, too weak to hold the table to the wall
We screwed the whole piece to the wall studs directly.Other than that, its a great product!
Wanted something off the floor to hold DVD player, Xbox and other tv peripherals. Love the look of this unit. Was easy to assemble and install. Seems sturdy enoug
It came with a broken piece didnt realize till it was half way assembled and didnt want to take it apart so I am just living with it its worth it to me!
Room needed a little something
Nice product! Needed a change, from the ordinary stuff that sits on the floor! Brightens up the space! Thank you! look great reliable.
Lag screws not adequate
Overall good but the lag screws were insufficient for the use. I ended up adding legs to it. Very reasonable too!!
Cool but broken
Some boards arrived damaged. The package is very heavy so shipping did a bit of damage. Hard to assemble
Wonderful entertainment center!
This piece honestly kind of exceeded my expectations! My husband said it was easy to put together and the instructions were very clear and easy to follow. This piece took him an hour to put together overall and it did take two of us to lift it and get it secured on the French Cleat. I am giving 4 stars due to 2 design complaints. First the bottom hole is to small to fit a flat 3 prong surge protector plug and almost to small for your standard plug. It would also be really nice if the back allowed space for cord hiding and organization like other wall mounted entertainment centers do instead of being flesh up against the wall. It forces you to leave cords piled in where the door can cover but overall I am happy with my purchase so far. The price is reasonable though.
Nice unit
This is a very nice piece. It was fairly easy to put together. Its got a few pieces so it took us about an hour to put it together. Its sturdy and very handsome in my husbands man cave. its very nice and I love the color. Worth it
Bad engineering, too heavy for such weak attachment kit
Could not use the metal piece on the back to attach it to the wall, it would stay straight, too weak to hold the table to the wall We screwed the whole piece to the wall studs directly.Other than that, its a great product!
Munich 68wall cabinet
Excellent product,highly recommend! great for guests
Great tv stand
High quality, sturdy tv stand. It is heavy and requires 2 people to put together and hang. I love it! comfortable and stylish product.
Great entertainment center
Wanted something off the floor to hold DVD player, Xbox and other tv peripherals. Love the look of this unit. Was easy to assemble and install. Seems sturdy enoug
Pain in the ass
It came with a broken piece didnt realize till it was half way assembled and didnt want to take it apart so I am just living with it its worth it to me!
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