The chairs took a while to arrive, but were a bit harder to assemble than I first anticipated. We had to take one apart and reassemble it because it fit together oddly. But, they really pull together the room. My son also likes to tip them over and build a fort with them, and they are sturdy (which is a good thing!). It arrived on time
Love this chair! Bought it for occasional use and its perfect. Easy to assemble, looks contemporarypretty firm, but comfortable enough. The fabric is nicewhiter than my photo shows but has nice flecks of tanperfect neutral! Im thinking of getting the grey one for my son and daughter/in/law in their new home. I would definitely recommend this chair! I was so excited to use it
The only reason this didnt get 5 stars is because it was very difficult to figure out which leg went where. The legs are angled, so you cant just stick any leg in any position. However, the legs werent labled, so it took a lot of geometry to figure out where each was supposed to go. The whole problem could have been solved with some removeable colored stickers on each leg and attachment point. Its a good product
The chair itself is ok, the fabric looks great and it is comfy, but the color of the legs is red, I though was dark brown. The legs assembly little complicated.
Good for the price, but the color of the legs is bother me a little. It is ok for the use.
It would have been fairly easy to assemble if all the screw holes were in the correct place. I had to make 2 new screw holes in order for everything to fit properly. Once completed, it looked great Best quality product
Hello, I just received my product and although all looks well, there are NO instructions for assembly anywhere to be found. Really appreciate if instructions can be sent over otherwise will have to ship back. when you finish it feels cheap and not as sturdy as you think.
Great chair. Bought 2 for room and love the ease of assembly and the beige/off white color fits in beautifully. Good buy. Better price available for same designs
Perfect chairs!
We love how these chairs look in our sitting area! Perfect size and color! Love the color and it was very comfortable
Sleek, yet comfortable chairs
The chairs took a while to arrive, but were a bit harder to assemble than I first anticipated. We had to take one apart and reassemble it because it fit together oddly. But, they really pull together the room. My son also likes to tip them over and build a fort with them, and they are sturdy (which is a good thing!). It arrived on time
Great accent chair!
Love this chair! Bought it for occasional use and its perfect. Easy to assemble, looks contemporarypretty firm, but comfortable enough. The fabric is nicewhiter than my photo shows but has nice flecks of tanperfect neutral! Im thinking of getting the grey one for my son and daughter/in/law in their new home. I would definitely recommend this chair! I was so excited to use it
Label the legs!
The only reason this didnt get 5 stars is because it was very difficult to figure out which leg went where. The legs are angled, so you cant just stick any leg in any position. However, the legs werent labled, so it took a lot of geometry to figure out where each was supposed to go. The whole problem could have been solved with some removeable colored stickers on each leg and attachment point. Its a good product
The chair itself is ok, the fabric looks great and it is comfy, but the color of the legs is red, I though was dark brown. The legs assembly little complicated. Good for the price, but the color of the legs is bother me a little. It is ok for the use.
Screw holes not aligned. Had to make new ones under one arm. Looked great when completed though.
It would have been fairly easy to assemble if all the screw holes were in the correct place. I had to make 2 new screw holes in order for everything to fit properly. Once completed, it looked great Best quality product
Modern, pretty comfy and looks nice.
Nice looking chair, well made, just not too soft but perfect for working on my computer or just watching TV. Everything is nice!
Help Required
Hello, I just received my product and although all looks well, there are NO instructions for assembly anywhere to be found. Really appreciate if instructions can be sent over otherwise will have to ship back. when you finish it feels cheap and not as sturdy as you think.
Easy assembly, great looking chair
Great chair. Bought 2 for room and love the ease of assembly and the beige/off white color fits in beautifully. Good buy. Better price available for same designs
Average at Best.
Not an expensive chair so you get what you pay for. Average at best.For the price I expect better directions and quality
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