It was super easy to put up with two people. It would have been easier if it hadnt started raining. I highly recommend this trampoline. My 64, 400 lbs husband jumps everyday and it shows no sign of stress. The net is holding up very well. Needs more colors
Was easy to assemble. I did it myself, but do recommend a second set of hands, especially for the poles for the safety net. Seems sturdy and well put together.
Only thing Im not thrilled with is the padding covering the springs. It fastens to the trampoline on the outside perimeter, but just lays over the springs. If my child isnt careful, his feet will slide under the mat and catch the springs. Weve quickly learned that this can happen, so he knows to be careful. I just wish the mat was secured down in a better fashion on the interior of the perimeter circle. Beautiful piece
This was a great purchase at a great price, high quality and the kids love it! Husband easily put it together and we have it it for approximately 2 years and it still bounces great. Great purchase!
Took it apart to move and when i went to put it back up, in the same spots as before because I labeled all of the folded kids and me are heartbroken
one of the boxes of parts was lost in shipping but Brandline customer service was quick to respond and replace the missing parts. All of my communication was thru emails, which worked out well for me. I appreciate that customer service checked in daily with updates and showed genuine concern for our satisfaction.
The trampoline went together easily. I love that the pad covers the springs completely and lays flat.
The grandkids are loving the experience and the bounce. Very pleased!!!!
Me and my 11 year old set this up in about an hour and a half. It was challenging, but doable. The kids say this trampoline is super bouncy compared to others theyve been on. And I love that the walls are super sturdy and pulled tight. My 9 year old is doing front flips and though its terrifying, its much better on this trampoline than having him do them on the sofa. Overall, were stoked. Amazing exactly what is described
We recently had a bad wind storm and I put a hoop at the top of one of the poles and it broke the pole. I contacted the seller and Heather was super helpful and sent me a new pole free of charge!! This is a great sturdy trampoline and my son loves it! Simply Perfect!
One of the boxes (theres 3) got lost in the mail but / sent us a new one right away! Relatively easy to assemble, I recommend 2 people. The quality is top notch!!
Easy to put up. worth every penny.
It was super easy to put up with two people. It would have been easier if it hadnt started raining. I highly recommend this trampoline. My 64, 400 lbs husband jumps everyday and it shows no sign of stress. The net is holding up very well. Needs more colors
Great purchase!
Great purchase..... kids love it even the adult kids!!!!!
Spring padding protection could be better
Was easy to assemble. I did it myself, but do recommend a second set of hands, especially for the poles for the safety net. Seems sturdy and well put together. Only thing Im not thrilled with is the padding covering the springs. It fastens to the trampoline on the outside perimeter, but just lays over the springs. If my child isnt careful, his feet will slide under the mat and catch the springs. Weve quickly learned that this can happen, so he knows to be careful. I just wish the mat was secured down in a better fashion on the interior of the perimeter circle. Beautiful piece
Sturdy and easy to put together
This was a great purchase at a great price, high quality and the kids love it! Husband easily put it together and we have it it for approximately 2 years and it still bounces great. Great purchase!
Took it apart to move and when i went to put it back up, in the same spots as before because I labeled all of the folded kids and me are heartbroken
Excellent customer service and high quality trampoline
one of the boxes of parts was lost in shipping but Brandline customer service was quick to respond and replace the missing parts. All of my communication was thru emails, which worked out well for me. I appreciate that customer service checked in daily with updates and showed genuine concern for our satisfaction. The trampoline went together easily. I love that the pad covers the springs completely and lays flat. The grandkids are loving the experience and the bounce. Very pleased!!!!
Worth every penny
My kids are obsessed. The whole family have fun on it. We use it everyday. Wonderful quality.
Overall Awesome
Me and my 11 year old set this up in about an hour and a half. It was challenging, but doable. The kids say this trampoline is super bouncy compared to others theyve been on. And I love that the walls are super sturdy and pulled tight. My 9 year old is doing front flips and though its terrifying, its much better on this trampoline than having him do them on the sofa. Overall, were stoked. Amazing exactly what is described
Superior quality and customer service !
We recently had a bad wind storm and I put a hoop at the top of one of the poles and it broke the pole. I contacted the seller and Heather was super helpful and sent me a new pole free of charge!! This is a great sturdy trampoline and my son loves it! Simply Perfect!
Buy this trampoline!
One of the boxes (theres 3) got lost in the mail but / sent us a new one right away! Relatively easy to assemble, I recommend 2 people. The quality is top notch!!
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