Pretty sturdy. Good size. I bought this for my 9 year old granddaughter. She was so surprised and happy? She couldnt wait to go to sleep. Very sturdy and comfortable. my 11 year old daughter was able to sleep with her comfortably with her when she spent the night at her house. Very pretty and worth every penny spent. Easy to put together by her mother.
Good for its value. Holes did not match up when I was assembling it, so I couldnt get the screws in, I reassembled and got the same result, this isnt the first time this has happened with these beds, and I had multiple people help, the manufacturer is not testing these products or putting them together correctly, I had to take a hammer and push a piece in place to get the holes to match up, im not buying another bed so im just going to keep as is but I refuse to write a good review on a product thats not satisfactory, regardless of how cheap it is, I should get a product that works correctly
Well made and packaged. Great looking product.
Was not so bad to assemble.
But makes creaking sound which can be annoying sometimes.
Not so great for constant use.
More of a guest and decorative bed.
Great price and somewhat durable. Perfect for my 2 year old daughter. Its her first big girl bed and she loves it. Low to the ground and holds both myself her when I put her to sleep. Id recommend for younger people/kids because its low to the ground.
Looks nice and sturdy. I had The bed only for a few days and I sat on the edge of the bed and it broke these beds are not made for adults more for small light weight children. It is a beautiful bed but it didnt even last. Im very disappointed with this product. I hope I can get a refund.
You can assemble really easy
Nice product. This is perfect for what I wanted
Very pretty and sturdy.
Pretty sturdy. Good size. I bought this for my 9 year old granddaughter. She was so surprised and happy? She couldnt wait to go to sleep. Very sturdy and comfortable. my 11 year old daughter was able to sleep with her comfortably with her when she spent the night at her house. Very pretty and worth every penny spent. Easy to put together by her mother.
Not so great
Good for its value. Holes did not match up when I was assembling it, so I couldnt get the screws in, I reassembled and got the same result, this isnt the first time this has happened with these beds, and I had multiple people help, the manufacturer is not testing these products or putting them together correctly, I had to take a hammer and push a piece in place to get the holes to match up, im not buying another bed so im just going to keep as is but I refuse to write a good review on a product thats not satisfactory, regardless of how cheap it is, I should get a product that works correctly
Good price
Really Worth it The bed is nice pretty sturdy just a little bit too many little parts
Love it
Not so bad. I love my bed. Gave a whole new look to my apartment!
Overall good. Very strong
Good bed
This item is good! Satisfied. Good bed
Making sound now
Well made and packaged. Great looking product. Was not so bad to assemble. But makes creaking sound which can be annoying sometimes. Not so great for constant use. More of a guest and decorative bed.
Pretty bed
Great price and somewhat durable. Perfect for my 2 year old daughter. Its her first big girl bed and she loves it. Low to the ground and holds both myself her when I put her to sleep. Id recommend for younger people/kids because its low to the ground.
Looks nice and sturdy. I had The bed only for a few days and I sat on the edge of the bed and it broke these beds are not made for adults more for small light weight children. It is a beautiful bed but it didnt even last. Im very disappointed with this product. I hope I can get a refund.
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