Seems like a good sturdy frame so far. Wanted a frame high off the floor for storage underneath. Assembled quickly and easily. No squeaks. Heavier metal than I expected. Wooden slats are straight.
I have wood floors and no carpet so I was worried about my bed being all loud and squeaky since our bedroom is right over the living room, but this bed is so sturdy and doesn't make a sound. I love it. My husband and I both toss and turn a lot and he is a light sleeper, so this is a major win in my book.
Our mattress size is California King which is a little more narrow and a little longer than a regular king. This platform was sized right. We were able to put it together in less than an hour. It's extremely sturdy because it has a middle section rather than slats running all the way across. A positive experience!
Had it unboxed and together in under an hour. 3800lbs is quit a claim and not sure if it would hold anywhere near that but Im 64 305lbs and it doesnt flinch when I get in our out of bed. Works well with our memory foam mattress. Its nice to not need a box spring. No squeaks, rattles, noises of any kind. Feels really solid. I wrote this review on my first day of owning it. Will update if anything changes. Off to a good start however and great value so far. With some minor modifications to our sligh bed frame it fit right inside it so we were able to keep the looks of our old bed.
I ordered this for my college apartment, I was able to assemble on my own relatively quickly. The height of the frame is perfect, allows space for some under bed storage. It's a very sturdy and quiet frame.
Good frame so far.
Seems like a good sturdy frame so far. Wanted a frame high off the floor for storage underneath. Assembled quickly and easily. No squeaks. Heavier metal than I expected. Wooden slats are straight.
Its a bedframe
Very simple.
So easy and so sturdy.
I have wood floors and no carpet so I was worried about my bed being all loud and squeaky since our bedroom is right over the living room, but this bed is so sturdy and doesn't make a sound. I love it. My husband and I both toss and turn a lot and he is a light sleeper, so this is a major win in my book.
Fit for a California King
Our mattress size is California King which is a little more narrow and a little longer than a regular king. This platform was sized right. We were able to put it together in less than an hour. It's extremely sturdy because it has a middle section rather than slats running all the way across. A positive experience!
Easy peasy
Easy install
Initial impressions are good
Had it unboxed and together in under an hour. 3800lbs is quit a claim and not sure if it would hold anywhere near that but Im 64 305lbs and it doesnt flinch when I get in our out of bed. Works well with our memory foam mattress. Its nice to not need a box spring. No squeaks, rattles, noises of any kind. Feels really solid. I wrote this review on my first day of owning it. Will update if anything changes. Off to a good start however and great value so far. With some minor modifications to our sligh bed frame it fit right inside it so we were able to keep the looks of our old bed.
4/10 coke zeros
3800 lbs? Girl where???? Bed is better off on the floor
Very sturdy, Easy to assemble, silent
I ordered this for my college apartment, I was able to assemble on my own relatively quickly. The height of the frame is perfect, allows space for some under bed storage. It's a very sturdy and quiet frame.
Very sturdy
East to assemble!
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