Fair for the price. This couch a very sturdy and easy assemble. Not to mention that the box it comes in is surprisingly lighter than you would think. I live on the third floor and this couch was very easy to carry with another person and the assembly took less than 20 minutes to put together. No hardware is needed to put this couch together as well which is a really nice feature
HAPPY!! I bought this for my dog. He likes it just fine. Ive lounged on it too. Its small and wouldnt probably last long with consistent sitting of adults. But perfect for my purpose.
Good price. This comes in four pieces that just slip into place. Pretty easy. Its not a soft couch. It seems pretty sturdy for the price, but I wouldnt describe it as sturdy.
2 Person Job
Awesome! Good quality loveseat for price. probably need more than one person to assemble easily
Good Couch for a Good Price!!
Fair for the price. This couch a very sturdy and easy assemble. Not to mention that the box it comes in is surprisingly lighter than you would think. I live on the third floor and this couch was very easy to carry with another person and the assembly took less than 20 minutes to put together. No hardware is needed to put this couch together as well which is a really nice feature
Looks nice, not very comfortable.
Perfect for my needs. Nice couch for what I needed it for. A little stiff but it looks ok.
Cute, very soft
HAPPY!! I bought this for my dog. He likes it just fine. Ive lounged on it too. Its small and wouldnt probably last long with consistent sitting of adults. But perfect for my purpose.
Not soft. Easy assembly
Good price. This comes in four pieces that just slip into place. Pretty easy. Its not a soft couch. It seems pretty sturdy for the price, but I wouldnt describe it as sturdy.
looks and feels good
A good buy! looks and feels good
It is ok. Came with a tear in the front side material other than that its a nice comfortable sofa
Happy with it.
As expected.Glad I ordered this. comfy and easy to assemble.
Comfortable couch for a good price.
Definitely worth it.Couch is comfortable, and a good size for a bedroom. Easy to assemble.
Perfect for our small home office.
Good one.We have a very small waiting room in our home office and this love seat and chair are scaled well and dont look like childrens furniture.
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