This toddler bed was super easy to put together and is sturdy. The toddler jumps on it constantly and we even moved across the ocean and it is still in perfect condition. I would recommend this to anyone who was making the toddler bed move. Also, loved that it kept the same mattress for her crib. That meant I didnt have to buy a new bed, mattress, and sheets all at the same time.
Excellent product. Wood is all well machined and sanded. No blemishes or splinters. Sturdy enough that I feel safe sitting on it (170lb). I would recommend a drill bit to make a hole for driving screws during one step but it isn't necessary. Read ALL of the directions before starting, it is possible to assemble the bed in such a way that the rails won't go on.
My daughter LOVES her new, pretty pink bed! The color is perfect. Exactly what my girly girl wanted for her totally pinked out bedroom. Worth every penny!
love it
was a little hard to lut together but not impossible, easier with 2 people.
Instructions were easy to understand and my toddler jumps all over it and it hasn't broken so I'd say success
I liked this product very much. My great-grandchild loved it!
Toddler loves it
This toddler bed was super easy to put together and is sturdy. The toddler jumps on it constantly and we even moved across the ocean and it is still in perfect condition. I would recommend this to anyone who was making the toddler bed move. Also, loved that it kept the same mattress for her crib. That meant I didnt have to buy a new bed, mattress, and sheets all at the same time.
Super cute bed
Good value bed.
Cute, Sturdy
My Grandson loves his big boy bed.
Great bed!
Excellent product. Wood is all well machined and sanded. No blemishes or splinters. Sturdy enough that I feel safe sitting on it (170lb). I would recommend a drill bit to make a hole for driving screws during one step but it isn't necessary. Read ALL of the directions before starting, it is possible to assemble the bed in such a way that the rails won't go on.
Good for the money
Great little transition bed I have twins so they can get rough And one of the rail bolts is already stripped after 3 months great for transition
Its perfect!
It is perfect! Exactly what we wanted, looks great with our princess themed bedspread. My little girl loves it!
Color is a little darker than the picture appears....absolutely adorable toddler bed!
My daughter LOVES her new, pretty pink bed! The color is perfect. Exactly what my girly girl wanted for her totally pinked out bedroom. Worth every penny!
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