Depends on what you consider easy to assemble. My husband said it was straight forward but time consuming. Daughter loves her new big girl bed. The dresser underneath doesnt attach though so it constantly slides out of place on our bare floors. Higher quality than expected
Great sturdy bed and storage! I bought two for my two sons who share a room. I also bought a toy bench to go at the end to help get on the bed. They are tall and there is a thin board on the end I was afraid my son would kick a hole in trying to get up. Worked out perfectly! Love them and my sons love their beds! Better than I even expected
It is a good bed, just bought the second one for my other child. Love the look and storage. I am not handy woman but installation was easy, just follow the instructions. It took me 3/4 hours to do it. I am very satisfied
This is a great bed if you are trying to save space. The drawers are not too small and not too big. I loved the grey color and the style. Very sturdy and easy to assemble if you follow directions. Overall very satisfied for the price I paid. Product was easy to assemble and sturdy at a great value
I must commend this company. The detail in packing was spot on. The instructions were very well coordinated and easy to follow. Nothing missing. Geeat quality. I am very satisfied with this purchase. Love this product
These look really nice. Pretty heavy, so kind of hard to maneuver when putting together, but thats a positive because it means its probably not going to fall apart the first time my grandkids jump on them. Extremely easy to assemble
I found this to be great value for the price. It is made from solid wood rather than particle board. It will take a bit of time to assemble. I managed in about 3 hours, but if you are not very handy you might set aside all day. Also, be aware that it will arrive in two separate boxes and not necessarily on the same day.
Ordered the honey colored to match the other honey colored furniture and now we have three different shades of honey, probably not the fault of the bed manufacturer, but something to keep in mind. Look at the fashion
Great bed.
Depends on what you consider easy to assemble. My husband said it was straight forward but time consuming. Daughter loves her new big girl bed. The dresser underneath doesnt attach though so it constantly slides out of place on our bare floors. Higher quality than expected
Sturdy storage bed!
Great sturdy bed and storage! I bought two for my two sons who share a room. I also bought a toy bench to go at the end to help get on the bed. They are tall and there is a thin board on the end I was afraid my son would kick a hole in trying to get up. Worked out perfectly! Love them and my sons love their beds! Better than I even expected
Good product
It is a good bed, just bought the second one for my other child. Love the look and storage. I am not handy woman but installation was easy, just follow the instructions. It took me 3/4 hours to do it. I am very satisfied
Great space saver bed
This is a great bed if you are trying to save space. The drawers are not too small and not too big. I loved the grey color and the style. Very sturdy and easy to assemble if you follow directions. Overall very satisfied for the price I paid. Product was easy to assemble and sturdy at a great value
Very good bed
I must commend this company. The detail in packing was spot on. The instructions were very well coordinated and easy to follow. Nothing missing. Geeat quality. I am very satisfied with this purchase. Love this product
Looks great, sturdy
These look really nice. Pretty heavy, so kind of hard to maneuver when putting together, but thats a positive because it means its probably not going to fall apart the first time my grandkids jump on them. Extremely easy to assemble
Very good construction for a sturdy bed solid wood grey finish is beautifully designed.
Very sturdy, but wished the 6 drawers were lengthened further under/bed, wasted storage space behind doors. So far so good
sturdy solid wood but .
Bed frame is solid wood and should last for years, but the drawers do not fit properly and basically useless.
Hard to assemble
Very long to put together Came slightly banged up due to not great packaging. Overall though, its nice for the money. Love the drawers.
Great value for the price.
I found this to be great value for the price. It is made from solid wood rather than particle board. It will take a bit of time to assemble. I managed in about 3 hours, but if you are not very handy you might set aside all day. Also, be aware that it will arrive in two separate boxes and not necessarily on the same day. Ordered the honey colored to match the other honey colored furniture and now we have three different shades of honey, probably not the fault of the bed manufacturer, but something to keep in mind. Look at the fashion
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