Fair for the price.The way this came packaged was very smart! Super easy to assemble, does not squeak and is sturdy! Im very very happy with this product so far!
Perfect for my needs.This was easy to order, delivered quickly and was easy to put together. Some of the pieces were a little heavy but not anything that you cant do on your own. It was put together by one person in probably 30 minutes. It doesnt squeak or creek or make any sounds, and it doesnt slide around on the floor but we do have carpeted floors in our bedroom so Im not sure if it would seem different on a wood floor. There were no snags in the fabric of the headboard or buttons loose or anything / would 100 buy again or recommend to a friend.
HAPPY!!For the price and value, this is a winner. I had my memory foam mattress on a box spring, Igot rid of the box spring and bought this new bed. Very satisfied with purchase
Definitely worth it.My husband and I were looking for a bed frame for months and because of the pandemic, we were afraid to order furniture online because of the possibility of delays.
When we saw that this bed frame would be delivered in two days, we decided to buy it and we werent disappointed. It was delivered on time.
The bed frame looked exactly like it was on the picture. Aesthetically, we were beyond pleased plus it feels sturdy. We definitely recommend this frame.
Good one.For the price, this bed frame does exactly what we wanted. Not too difficult to assemble, but just note that the headboard is not as tall as youd think. When our pillows are propped up, you can barely see the top of the headboard.
Definitely recommend!
Fair for the price.The way this came packaged was very smart! Super easy to assemble, does not squeak and is sturdy! Im very very happy with this product so far!
Great for the price
Perfect for my needs.This was easy to order, delivered quickly and was easy to put together. Some of the pieces were a little heavy but not anything that you cant do on your own. It was put together by one person in probably 30 minutes. It doesnt squeak or creek or make any sounds, and it doesnt slide around on the floor but we do have carpeted floors in our bedroom so Im not sure if it would seem different on a wood floor. There were no snags in the fabric of the headboard or buttons loose or anything / would 100 buy again or recommend to a friend.
Very satisfied
HAPPY!!For the price and value, this is a winner. I had my memory foam mattress on a box spring, Igot rid of the box spring and bought this new bed. Very satisfied with purchase
Worth it
Good price.Love it! Easy to assemble and is perfect
Sturdy and minimal tools to assemble
It is ok.Great and sturdy bed frame! Took about an hour to assemble and feels very secure. Easy neutral color as well
So nice and sturdy!
As expected.Super nice quality and I love that you can store it in the headboard! Its sturdy and a great gray color too!
Item as described, fast delivery.
Definitely worth it.My husband and I were looking for a bed frame for months and because of the pandemic, we were afraid to order furniture online because of the possibility of delays. When we saw that this bed frame would be delivered in two days, we decided to buy it and we werent disappointed. It was delivered on time. The bed frame looked exactly like it was on the picture. Aesthetically, we were beyond pleased plus it feels sturdy. We definitely recommend this frame.
Good deal for the price, but headboard is short.
Good one.For the price, this bed frame does exactly what we wanted. Not too difficult to assemble, but just note that the headboard is not as tall as youd think. When our pillows are propped up, you can barely see the top of the headboard.
Best bed frame Ive ever owned.
Looks great.Easy to put together very sturdy. Not to mention it looks great. 10/10 would recommend.
Very easy to assemble. No extra tools were needed
Nicely made.Guest bedroom
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