So excited about this chair. Just came in the mail and didnt hang up get but looks like its going to be perfect for what I was looking for. Good quality
Purchased this for my grandson who is severely affected with autism. He has found that this swing is a place he can go and quell the effects of sensory stimulation. Its a great product that has worked very well in an indoor setting when it gets lots of use.
I absolutely love!! this swing! It adds such a cute vibe to my room and allows me to swing in the comfort of my own room at such an affordable price. I placed a comforter over it and a throw pillow, absolutely love!! this purchase!!
Great quality! My daughter loves it as her reading
Great quality! My daughter loves it as her reading chair.
Accessories not included
Chair is great but there are no accessories included/ we had to buy the chains and the anchors for the ceiling.
love!! this chair
So excited about this chair. Just came in the mail and didnt hang up get but looks like its going to be perfect for what I was looking for. Good quality
Daughter loves it in her room!!
Its a great product that has worked very well in an indoor
Purchased this for my grandson who is severely affected with autism. He has found that this swing is a place he can go and quell the effects of sensory stimulation. Its a great product that has worked very well in an indoor setting when it gets lots of use.
love!! it!
Comfortable and fun
I absolutely love!! this swing
I absolutely love!! this swing! It adds such a cute vibe to my room and allows me to swing in the comfort of my own room at such an affordable price. I placed a comforter over it and a throw pillow, absolutely love!! this purchase!!
No rope included
Cute but didnt come with rope or chains to hang.
this for my daughter for Christmas and its as aming as the
We bought this for my daughter for Christmas and its as aming as the picture
Great product! Recommended!
Great product! Recommended! Looks great and easy to hang up!
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