My 6 year old loves it. She's about 50 lbs. It was easy to assemble, lightweight and easy to move but sturdy when in use. Small enough to fit in my daughter's room.
Our kids pooled their gift money for this and were not disappointed. They can jump when the baby is napping, because it's so quiet. They can all pile on and bounce at once, since they're small. It's strong enough for the parents to step on it instead of over it like the other toys.
Assembly was one of those projects where all four adults thought they had it right and everyone else read the diagram incorrectly. But once we solved the puzzle of where the holes line up it was easy.
Unfortunately to fold it it would first need to be disassembled, not a nightly clean up task that I had hoped for.
This wasn't hard to assemble. It's big enough for our toddler to play on for years to come and feels solid enough to last. It's small enough to move around the house without taking it apart
Great trampoline! We got it for our 4 year old. Our neighbor got a trampoline recently and my daughter was constantly wanting to jump on it. Because of her age I didn't want her to jump on it with other kids, which is harder to control when it's not yours. So we decided to get her this one as an alternative. I wanted a small one so I wouldn't have to worry about other kids jumping with her.
Its very sturdy the frame and handle. I like that it doesn't have regular metal springs and the weight limit is really nice too.
I thought it was one that could be folded up easily.
Which is not the case.
To fold it up you have to dissemble it.
First you have to remove the handle, then the legs.
Then remove the cover.
After that you can fold it
I've attached pictures of how it looks when folded
My grand daughter loved it the moment she got on it!
All good
Missing parts
The trampoline had no manual paper or book and screws to mount the handle bar.
kids love it
Buy it!
My 6 year old loves it. She's about 50 lbs. It was easy to assemble, lightweight and easy to move but sturdy when in use. Small enough to fit in my daughter's room.
Dont Buy.
Waste of money. Trampoline is not sturdy and outer cover was ripped on arrival. Not worth the money.
Wish it was a bigger one for the same price
I found one bigger for a better price and I use it for exercising
Not that foldable, but otherwise perfect
Our kids pooled their gift money for this and were not disappointed. They can jump when the baby is napping, because it's so quiet. They can all pile on and bounce at once, since they're small. It's strong enough for the parents to step on it instead of over it like the other toys. Assembly was one of those projects where all four adults thought they had it right and everyone else read the diagram incorrectly. But once we solved the puzzle of where the holes line up it was easy. Unfortunately to fold it it would first need to be disassembled, not a nightly clean up task that I had hoped for.
Perfect for our toddler
This wasn't hard to assemble. It's big enough for our toddler to play on for years to come and feels solid enough to last. It's small enough to move around the house without taking it apart
Very sturdy but not easily portable
Great trampoline! We got it for our 4 year old. Our neighbor got a trampoline recently and my daughter was constantly wanting to jump on it. Because of her age I didn't want her to jump on it with other kids, which is harder to control when it's not yours. So we decided to get her this one as an alternative. I wanted a small one so I wouldn't have to worry about other kids jumping with her. Its very sturdy the frame and handle. I like that it doesn't have regular metal springs and the weight limit is really nice too. I thought it was one that could be folded up easily. Which is not the case. To fold it up you have to dissemble it. First you have to remove the handle, then the legs. Then remove the cover. After that you can fold it I've attached pictures of how it looks when folded
will purchase again!
Great-grandson: 2 years and 9 months, loves it absolutely.....Jumps, Jumps and wears himself out!...GREAT!!
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