Product went together easily and seems very sturdy for my young kid. There were no assembly instructions included, but I was able to find them online to follow along. Also, it came with only one allen wrench when two were needed for assembly. Again, I had one so it worked fine but could be an issue if you dont have tools. All over a good bed.
I am so so happy with our new bed frame. Got the and it fits perfectly in my small bedroom. My 11 year old and I put it all together. Only took us an hour to put together. I am very happy with it and worth every penny. Very sturdy and easy to put together. Thank you
For a toddler Its perfect. Low to the ground. Soft . No hard edges. Would not let your child jump on the bed though. There are a lot of cross braces but they are not very thick.
I am old school, was not use to these all no filler box springs for the bed. This was easy to setup.
Came with everything. No problems or complaints yet
The bed frame itself is really nice. but when putting it together we were missing 3 screws to attach the bed rails together. We had to go to home depot and buy screws that ALMOST were the same size just to be safe.
Bought this for our toddler moving to her big girl bed. Bed was easy to assemble, we have the same style in a size. Theres a 3 gap between the width of a twin and the width of the frame on the inside. That gap is plenty big enough to get a little leg stuck in when climbing in and out of bed. Fortunately I have plywood I can cover the slats with but even a box spring wouldnt fit tight in this. Make sure you have a plan to protect those little limbs in those gaps!
Good bed
Product went together easily and seems very sturdy for my young kid. There were no assembly instructions included, but I was able to find them online to follow along. Also, it came with only one allen wrench when two were needed for assembly. Again, I had one so it worked fine but could be an issue if you dont have tools. All over a good bed.
easy to assemble
looks neat, clean, very classic look
Extremely happy
I am so so happy with our new bed frame. Got the and it fits perfectly in my small bedroom. My 11 year old and I put it all together. Only took us an hour to put together. I am very happy with it and worth every penny. Very sturdy and easy to put together. Thank you
Bought as a Toddler Bed
For a toddler Its perfect. Low to the ground. Soft . No hard edges. Would not let your child jump on the bed though. There are a lot of cross braces but they are not very thick.
My bedroom
I am old school, was not use to these all no filler box springs for the bed. This was easy to setup. Came with everything. No problems or complaints yet
size. Breaks many toes
This legs of this bed will break your toes. Be warned.
Missing screws to bed frame.
The bed frame itself is really nice. but when putting it together we were missing 3 screws to attach the bed rails together. We had to go to home depot and buy screws that ALMOST were the same size just to be safe.
Does not fit twin bed exactly, slats exposed.
Bought this for our toddler moving to her big girl bed. Bed was easy to assemble, we have the same style in a size. Theres a 3 gap between the width of a twin and the width of the frame on the inside. That gap is plenty big enough to get a little leg stuck in when climbing in and out of bed. Fortunately I have plywood I can cover the slats with but even a box spring wouldnt fit tight in this. Make sure you have a plan to protect those little limbs in those gaps!
Dont buy it
First of all I waste my money in this . it came just with the and the slats . and i think theres no way to return it ! Dont buy it
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