The price is good if you dont want to spend a thousand dollars on a bunk bed. But you get what you pay for. When my kid moves around on the top bunk it squeaks and makes all kinds of noises. I would not buy it again.
Looks great and is VERY sturdy! Box was heavy though. My boyfriend helped me put it together (took maybe 1.5 hours) but I definitely could’ve done it myself since the instructions were easy to read. Tools come in the box. They provide extra screws just in case as well! Very pleased and I may add curtains and a bed skirt soon too. I bought this with 0 reviews and was worried at first but extremely satisfied. Definitely worth the price!
Tip: If you want the bed a little higher (I found it a bit short personally) I highly recommend getting using a box spring with your mattress. Decided to use mine once the bed was put together. Provides a nice height
The instructions are solely pictures, so assembly was relatively harder than it would have been with descriptive instructions instead. It serves its purpose, a little on the squeaky side.
I loved the ease of putting this together. I bought two of these for my two 5 year olds and they adore it. The canopy went on these small poles so easily. I was skeptical on purchasing beds from online but Im really happy with what I got for the price.
Love my new bed
Comfy, sturdy, everything I was looking for
After the first 4 or so steps assembly went quickly! Great quality for price
Looks Great, sturdy and easy to put together!
Bought this for my 12 year old granddaughter really easy to put together seems really sturdy highly recommend
strong and sturdy, good deal for the price
strong and sturdy, good deal for the price
You get what you pay for.
The price is good if you dont want to spend a thousand dollars on a bunk bed. But you get what you pay for. When my kid moves around on the top bunk it squeaks and makes all kinds of noises. I would not buy it again.
Perfect! Completely Satisfied
Looks great and is VERY sturdy! Box was heavy though. My boyfriend helped me put it together (took maybe 1.5 hours) but I definitely could’ve done it myself since the instructions were easy to read. Tools come in the box. They provide extra screws just in case as well! Very pleased and I may add curtains and a bed skirt soon too. I bought this with 0 reviews and was worried at first but extremely satisfied. Definitely worth the price! Tip: If you want the bed a little higher (I found it a bit short personally) I highly recommend getting using a box spring with your mattress. Decided to use mine once the bed was put together. Provides a nice height
The instructions are solely pictures, so assembly was relatively harder than it would have been with descriptive instructions instead. It serves its purpose, a little on the squeaky side.
Great product for great price
I loved the ease of putting this together. I bought two of these for my two 5 year olds and they adore it. The canopy went on these small poles so easily. I was skeptical on purchasing beds from online but Im really happy with what I got for the price.
Easy to assemble
Super cute and easy to assemble
Exceeded Expectations
I was very skeptical since there were no reviews, but it turned out better than I expected! Very sturdy and doesn’t squeak (;
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