The directions on assembly were easy but there were lots of parts where it was difficult to screw into due to the holes not lining up like they should. Nice color and fairly sturdy but my bottom doors wont stay shut due to mis assembly due to holes not lining up correctly
It looks great has lots of storage but not overly tall. The only part that wasnt satisfying is that I took over two hours to get the doors straight but the holes didnt perfectly line up so its not perfectly straight. You get what you pay for…
Everything about this is fairly strong and well designed. But if you rough up the joints with some sandpaper, use TiteBond II or Gorilla Wood Glue and replace the cardboard backing with 1/4 Underlayment board, this will last a lifetime! Those few improvements have made it substantially more sturdy. Now it is able to be moved without the whole thing flexing scarily.
I ordered this Cabinet, and it was easy to assemble. All the boards were labeled; the screws and hinges were all in separate packages in a box and the instructions were perfect. It was so nice I ordered a second cabinet right after it was assembled. However, the second cabinet came in a damaged box with tape to hold it together. When I removed the contents, some boards had scratches, the top board had a corner that was chipped, and the screws were all loose inside the box. I was upset and thought that was strange. But still, Im thinking of ordering another one because it is a beautiful piece of furniture.
Decent, hard to put together
The directions on assembly were easy but there were lots of parts where it was difficult to screw into due to the holes not lining up like they should. Nice color and fairly sturdy but my bottom doors wont stay shut due to mis assembly due to holes not lining up correctly
Love it
I moved into a new place it worked out perfectly
Indifferent,the best product,i like it
Great looking
It looks great has lots of storage but not overly tall. The only part that wasnt satisfying is that I took over two hours to get the doors straight but the holes didnt perfectly line up so its not perfectly straight. You get what you pay for…
Sturdy armoire
My son put these together pretty quickly. Theyre very nice for the price. Nice and sturdy. Pretty, too
I love it
It was exactly what I was looking for !
Using it as a Kitchen Pantry, very happy with it!
Little cumbersome to put together, overall happy with it, price was appropriate to quality.
Use wood glue and Replace the backing!
Everything about this is fairly strong and well designed. But if you rough up the joints with some sandpaper, use TiteBond II or Gorilla Wood Glue and replace the cardboard backing with 1/4 Underlayment board, this will last a lifetime! Those few improvements have made it substantially more sturdy. Now it is able to be moved without the whole thing flexing scarily.
Tall 4/Door Storage Cabinet with Adjustable Shelves
I ordered this Cabinet, and it was easy to assemble. All the boards were labeled; the screws and hinges were all in separate packages in a box and the instructions were perfect. It was so nice I ordered a second cabinet right after it was assembled. However, the second cabinet came in a damaged box with tape to hold it together. When I removed the contents, some boards had scratches, the top board had a corner that was chipped, and the screws were all loose inside the box. I was upset and thought that was strange. But still, Im thinking of ordering another one because it is a beautiful piece of furniture.
Perfect for our office needs
The simplicity of this piece makes our office pop and hides all the stuff that usually looks like clutter in our fast paces office
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