We bought this for our 1 yr old grandson. He loves it. It is the perfect size for him. His favorite thing is to open and close it from a chair to a bed over and over. Works great for his nap when it is open to a bed. His 3 year old sister has the same chair with a different design. Her legs hang over when she lays on it., but she sits on it and still loves it. Perfect for my needs.
Comfortable chair
We bought this for our 1 yr old grandson. He loves it. It is the perfect size for him. His favorite thing is to open and close it from a chair to a bed over and over. Works great for his nap when it is open to a bed. His 3 year old sister has the same chair with a different design. Her legs hang over when she lays on it., but she sits on it and still loves it. Perfect for my needs.