This bed frame is absolutely gorgeous. I bought this in the caramel color and king size. Very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and straight forward. It came with all its parts and hardware needed. It’s made of solid and high quality wood. I’ve been using this bed frame for three days, and so far I can attest that it is definitely sturdy and durable. There’s no creaking, wobbling or sagging. This bed frame is solid and stays put. In my opinion it is worth it’s value for the money. I highly recommend this bed frame.
High quality, sturdy and functional.
This bed frame is absolutely gorgeous. I bought this in the caramel color and king size. Very easy to assemble. The instructions were clear and straight forward. It came with all its parts and hardware needed. It’s made of solid and high quality wood. I’ve been using this bed frame for three days, and so far I can attest that it is definitely sturdy and durable. There’s no creaking, wobbling or sagging. This bed frame is solid and stays put. In my opinion it is worth it’s value for the money. I highly recommend this bed frame.