So in love with this piece I had to request a tracking number from the seller. They replied quickly, and the chair showed up 1 day early, without a flaw. It was packaged with a cover around the chair itself to keep from ripping if box was ripped. plenty of protection. Assembly was quick and easy and I was comfortably sitting within 30 minutes of delivery. The cushion was a bit stiff at first however after about a week it is loosening up a bit and is super comfortable. I absolutely love this chair, and would purchase again.
Yes, Buy now!
So in love with this piece I had to request a tracking number from the seller. They replied quickly, and the chair showed up 1 day early, without a flaw. It was packaged with a cover around the chair itself to keep from ripping if box was ripped. plenty of protection. Assembly was quick and easy and I was comfortably sitting within 30 minutes of delivery. The cushion was a bit stiff at first however after about a week it is loosening up a bit and is super comfortable. I absolutely love this chair, and would purchase again.