Very pleasantly surprised by the quality and ease of assembly. Exactly what I wanted, and much better than I expected. All the holes matched up, and all the parts and hardware were complete. The instructions were very detailed and easy to follow. Its perfect for the room I purchased it for. I was dreading missed or damaged parts and confusing instructions. Not so!! This was my second piece of Elegant Fashions to put together, and they were both just right! I will be purchasing more.
Love it!
Very pleasantly surprised by the quality and ease of assembly. Exactly what I wanted, and much better than I expected. All the holes matched up, and all the parts and hardware were complete. The instructions were very detailed and easy to follow. Its perfect for the room I purchased it for. I was dreading missed or damaged parts and confusing instructions. Not so!! This was my second piece of Elegant Fashions to put together, and they were both just right! I will be purchasing more.