Pros: Pretty sturdy. We al can easily fit in a chair. Ages range from 7 to 40 and weight goes from 58 to 205. Easy to keep clean for the most part.
Cons: The padding shows wear and tear and ours are only a month old. Easy scratched and hard to clean in the groves between the padding and the seat base.
Would purchase again without the padding. Definitely kid friendly and still looks good in the kitchen.
Oh, and we use them at a small odd height counter. Works great.
Good size and material
Pros: Pretty sturdy. We al can easily fit in a chair. Ages range from 7 to 40 and weight goes from 58 to 205. Easy to keep clean for the most part. Cons: The padding shows wear and tear and ours are only a month old. Easy scratched and hard to clean in the groves between the padding and the seat base. Would purchase again without the padding. Definitely kid friendly and still looks good in the kitchen. Oh, and we use them at a small odd height counter. Works great.