It took me longer to get the pieces out of their very protective packaging than to assemble the chairs. All the hardware was included, with some extra felt stickers for the bottom of the feet. No marks on the products, everything in perfect shape. The seat cushion is made of a fake leather (a nice surprise) and is pretty comfortable, even after couple hours of sitting. I might put a stain on the legs to darken and protect them, but I am super happy with these chairs for their value and aesthetic. They had a coupon on when I purchased them, so they were such a steal. I am glad I chose these over the ones without a cushion, I think these turned out to be the same price since the others dont always have free shipping (and the coupon). Came a week early too, yay! Would recommend!
Easy assembly, sturdy, and comfortable
It took me longer to get the pieces out of their very protective packaging than to assemble the chairs. All the hardware was included, with some extra felt stickers for the bottom of the feet. No marks on the products, everything in perfect shape. The seat cushion is made of a fake leather (a nice surprise) and is pretty comfortable, even after couple hours of sitting. I might put a stain on the legs to darken and protect them, but I am super happy with these chairs for their value and aesthetic. They had a coupon on when I purchased them, so they were such a steal. I am glad I chose these over the ones without a cushion, I think these turned out to be the same price since the others dont always have free shipping (and the coupon). Came a week early too, yay! Would recommend!