I really like this chair!! It is a nice size. Im only 5 1, and I have plenty of room in it. It has a nice high back too, but not too high. It was very easy to assemble. The back legs are different from the front legs, so I had to redo one of them, but its easy to tell which is which. The fabric was a little different than it looked in the picture. But I actually liked it better in person! Its also not the most comfortable chair. The cushion is a bit stiff. But Im using in my guest bedroom, not for every day use. But I also figured it needs to be broken in.
Great Chair!!
I really like this chair!! It is a nice size. Im only 5 1, and I have plenty of room in it. It has a nice high back too, but not too high. It was very easy to assemble. The back legs are different from the front legs, so I had to redo one of them, but its easy to tell which is which. The fabric was a little different than it looked in the picture. But I actually liked it better in person! Its also not the most comfortable chair. The cushion is a bit stiff. But Im using in my guest bedroom, not for every day use. But I also figured it needs to be broken in.