I love the look of this sturdy little table, and it went together so easily. Whats really impressive, though, is the quality. And the little touches they include, like labeled ziplock bags for the screws (very helpful), extra screws (how thoughtful), and a phillips screwdriver (wow)! That little screwdriver was adequate for the job and is now going in the kitchen junk drawer for quick fixes around the house. I put together lots of these furniture kits, and no other company has made it this easy. Kudos to this brand!
Awesome little table
I love the look of this sturdy little table, and it went together so easily. Whats really impressive, though, is the quality. And the little touches they include, like labeled ziplock bags for the screws (very helpful), extra screws (how thoughtful), and a phillips screwdriver (wow)! That little screwdriver was adequate for the job and is now going in the kitchen junk drawer for quick fixes around the house. I put together lots of these furniture kits, and no other company has made it this easy. Kudos to this brand!