The price is too high for the quality. I paid more thinking it would be worth it but the assembly was harder than it needed to be. I have put a lot of furniture together and this took just as long as anything else that requires assembly. I bought this thinking I could take apart and put back together when a guest comes. This is not for that. There is no way I trust trying to remove the hardware and putting it back together. The holes for all the hardware vary and strip easily because some are not deep enough for the tool. The holes in the frame itself also are inconsistent. Some you can slide the whole screw through while others need to be screwed in while stripping the screws in the process. I have 2 stars because I am keeping it now that its put together and I have a guest coming over. Seems sturdy and I like that its taller than other frames.
Poor Quality Hardware
The price is too high for the quality. I paid more thinking it would be worth it but the assembly was harder than it needed to be. I have put a lot of furniture together and this took just as long as anything else that requires assembly. I bought this thinking I could take apart and put back together when a guest comes. This is not for that. There is no way I trust trying to remove the hardware and putting it back together. The holes for all the hardware vary and strip easily because some are not deep enough for the tool. The holes in the frame itself also are inconsistent. Some you can slide the whole screw through while others need to be screwed in while stripping the screws in the process. I have 2 stars because I am keeping it now that its put together and I have a guest coming over. Seems sturdy and I like that its taller than other frames.