For the price, they go together well and seem quite sturdy! The second one was definitely easier to put together, because I learned how on the first one. (There was a bit of a learning curve on the drawer installation for me!) My ONLY complaint is that the tiny screws that attach the handles are kinda crap. They do not go in easily, but they did strip out easily. That said, FOR THE PRICE - these nightstands are excellent.
Great nightstands for the price!
For the price, they go together well and seem quite sturdy! The second one was definitely easier to put together, because I learned how on the first one. (There was a bit of a learning curve on the drawer installation for me!) My ONLY complaint is that the tiny screws that attach the handles are kinda crap. They do not go in easily, but they did strip out easily. That said, FOR THE PRICE - these nightstands are excellent.