It looks like the picture, clean lines, sturdy, solid! Definitely what we wanted.
The assembly was time consuming but easy rolling until we reached the steps where you connect the 2 doors to their cubbies. The indented spots where you screw in the brackets are too far in, so when we first put the doors on, they didnt close correctly, or really at all. We fixed the issue by eyeballing where the door brackets should really go. The rest of the assembly was quick and easy from there. perfectly fine with it
Nice piece but the assembly
It looks like the picture, clean lines, sturdy, solid! Definitely what we wanted. The assembly was time consuming but easy rolling until we reached the steps where you connect the 2 doors to their cubbies. The indented spots where you screw in the brackets are too far in, so when we first put the doors on, they didnt close correctly, or really at all. We fixed the issue by eyeballing where the door brackets should really go. The rest of the assembly was quick and easy from there. perfectly fine with it