Assembly took a little bit of time but made sense. My 4 yo loves it. Plenty of space underneath I can fit his cube storage and his toy storage shelf underneath and he still has room to play. The ladder is hard on feet because the bars are so small. My son has never complained, but I climb up there and lay with him most nights and it hurts my feet so I just cut a pool noodle and put it over the ladder rails. We love it very sturdy and clean looking. Fit well,
Cute bed!
Assembly took a little bit of time but made sense. My 4 yo loves it. Plenty of space underneath I can fit his cube storage and his toy storage shelf underneath and he still has room to play. The ladder is hard on feet because the bars are so small. My son has never complained, but I climb up there and lay with him most nights and it hurts my feet so I just cut a pool noodle and put it over the ladder rails. We love it very sturdy and clean looking. Fit well,