Should have measured the height, but overall a great purchase
I got this seat for the window thinking of my cats, and also for the single purpose of storing my comforter. It stores exactly that, but it stores Only that. If you want to store small things like small pillows, plush toys, smaller blankets, its perfect. I measured it to fit my window perfectly, and it does, I just wish it were slightly higher so it could fit more things, but it still looks fantastic.
It was surprisingly easy to assemble. Open a box, unfold a thingy, put a thingy in the box you now unfolded, slap lid on. Bam, Ottoman. Its not super fancy with hinges and I definitely wouldnt try to sit on this, but its cute.
Should have measured the height, but overall a great purchase
I got this seat for the window thinking of my cats, and also for the single purpose of storing my comforter. It stores exactly that, but it stores Only that. If you want to store small things like small pillows, plush toys, smaller blankets, its perfect. I measured it to fit my window perfectly, and it does, I just wish it were slightly higher so it could fit more things, but it still looks fantastic. It was surprisingly easy to assemble. Open a box, unfold a thingy, put a thingy in the box you now unfolded, slap lid on. Bam, Ottoman. Its not super fancy with hinges and I definitely wouldnt try to sit on this, but its cute.