After reading countless reviews of the ease which this bed is assembled and how sturdy it is, I ordered it. It arrived with the box damaged, not a good sign. My 19 year old son and I removed all the parts and discovered a major part, one of the arm rails, had a large dent. If I hadnt dismantled the bed I was replacing Id have returned the new bed that looked like UPS had used it to break into a bank vault by using the arm piece to pry open the bank managers mouth to get the combination of the vault. Instead we finished assembling this nightmare and elected to wait for the replacement to arrive and reassemble the new one and ship the defective bed back.
As to the ease in the assembly phase I must dash your dreams and let you know that unless you are an Olympic athlete who can contort like a drunken cat you will feel pain in forgotten muscles and will have made up your own vocabulary of fancy new obscenities which will give your neighbors even more reasons to respect your rugged individualism. Would definitely buy again.
You will be the neighborhood celebrity carpenter
After reading countless reviews of the ease which this bed is assembled and how sturdy it is, I ordered it. It arrived with the box damaged, not a good sign. My 19 year old son and I removed all the parts and discovered a major part, one of the arm rails, had a large dent. If I hadnt dismantled the bed I was replacing Id have returned the new bed that looked like UPS had used it to break into a bank vault by using the arm piece to pry open the bank managers mouth to get the combination of the vault. Instead we finished assembling this nightmare and elected to wait for the replacement to arrive and reassemble the new one and ship the defective bed back. As to the ease in the assembly phase I must dash your dreams and let you know that unless you are an Olympic athlete who can contort like a drunken cat you will feel pain in forgotten muscles and will have made up your own vocabulary of fancy new obscenities which will give your neighbors even more reasons to respect your rugged individualism. Would definitely buy again.