I was almost done putting the bed together when I discovered that two of the (most important) holes in the bed were drilled incorrectly - they should have been at 90 degrees, but it seems whatever tool they used at the factory wasnt aligned - I was utterly unable to finish assembly due to factory defect. In the end, I grabbed my drill and fixed the holes myself - but this meant a hardware store run at 8:00 at night instead of finishing up. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. A number of the screws threads were messed up as well right out of the packaging - fortunately they include some extras - but it speaks of how low-quality the hardware is.
Have a Drill Ready - WOULD NOT RECOMMEND
I was almost done putting the bed together when I discovered that two of the (most important) holes in the bed were drilled incorrectly - they should have been at 90 degrees, but it seems whatever tool they used at the factory wasnt aligned - I was utterly unable to finish assembly due to factory defect. In the end, I grabbed my drill and fixed the holes myself - but this meant a hardware store run at 8:00 at night instead of finishing up. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND. A number of the screws threads were messed up as well right out of the packaging - fortunately they include some extras - but it speaks of how low-quality the hardware is.