This is a sturdy bed and the assembly is really easy. You just match numbers, no guessing around and no nasty little screws. With a power tool to turn a wrench, I assembled it within 2 hours. The wood is not varnished (or may be very slightly), it has a rustic look, but great value for the price. One caution- when I opened the box of legs with a box cutter, it scratched one leg slightly as it was not well protected next to the cardboard. Fortunately it wasnt very visible after the assembly.
Sturdy bed, easy assembly
This is a sturdy bed and the assembly is really easy. You just match numbers, no guessing around and no nasty little screws. With a power tool to turn a wrench, I assembled it within 2 hours. The wood is not varnished (or may be very slightly), it has a rustic look, but great value for the price. One caution- when I opened the box of legs with a box cutter, it scratched one leg slightly as it was not well protected next to the cardboard. Fortunately it wasnt very visible after the assembly.