This bed frame is great. I bought the twin size so I cant comment on the sturdiness on any other size but I can tell you that it was very very easy to put together. I did it in 15 minutes and the only thing my husband helped me with is getting it out of the box. Everything fit well and the - like instructions were very clear. Its a nice sturdy look but not heavy. I saw a review on Wirecutter and they were spot on.
I dont usually write reviews but....
This bed frame is great. I bought the twin size so I cant comment on the sturdiness on any other size but I can tell you that it was very very easy to put together. I did it in 15 minutes and the only thing my husband helped me with is getting it out of the box. Everything fit well and the - like instructions were very clear. Its a nice sturdy look but not heavy. I saw a review on Wirecutter and they were spot on.