Should be given an award for the best bed on the budget market.
This is my second bed. Super easy to assemble. The only thing I didnt find this time is the screw cap -it covers the screws. I remember I had to search for it in the box last time , but I went through it twice already and not finding it.
An Update.
I found spare caps, only 2, left over from the first bed and used it on this new bed. That means that screw caps WERE NOT included with the queen bed-and that is a bummer.
Should be given an award for the best bed on the budget market.
This is my second bed. Super easy to assemble. The only thing I didnt find this time is the screw cap -it covers the screws. I remember I had to search for it in the box last time , but I went through it twice already and not finding it. An Update. I found spare caps, only 2, left over from the first bed and used it on this new bed. That means that screw caps WERE NOT included with the queen bed-and that is a bummer.