This was very easy to assemble (you absolutely have to have a Phillips head screw driver it doesnt come with it) and is very sturdy! Be careful when assembling the ends there are hole pre/drilled on the BACK of the legs to allow you to decide which ones you want to punch through. Anyone thinking the holes to attach a frame would logically go on the front will be having to take the whole thing apart again. The directions are clear it just doesnt mention that until the very last page.
Looks awesome!
This was very easy to assemble (you absolutely have to have a Phillips head screw driver it doesnt come with it) and is very sturdy! Be careful when assembling the ends there are hole pre/drilled on the BACK of the legs to allow you to decide which ones you want to punch through. Anyone thinking the holes to attach a frame would logically go on the front will be having to take the whole thing apart again. The directions are clear it just doesnt mention that until the very last page.