This was heavier than I expected. Very easy to assemble, my 7 year old and I put it together one evening. It didnt come ready to attach to a frame as several mentioned but I just put it against the wall and its fine. Honestly, I kind of prefer it that way. Easier to move later if I need.
Its so pretty, i really love it!! My only complaint is that the recessed piece is very thin so it could break easily on accident while putting together or unboxing.
Looks great!!
This was heavier than I expected. Very easy to assemble, my 7 year old and I put it together one evening. It didnt come ready to attach to a frame as several mentioned but I just put it against the wall and its fine. Honestly, I kind of prefer it that way. Easier to move later if I need. Its so pretty, i really love it!! My only complaint is that the recessed piece is very thin so it could break easily on accident while putting together or unboxing.