Was super easy to assemble. The bottom board did have a huge scratch. I emailed the company right away and got back to me on a Sunday and are shipping out the replacement part. Recommend putting together on a soft surface, When laying out the pieces I did scratch the top piece so isnt the best as far as that be careful assembling. I bought the matching night stands and they were somewhat difficult to put together but got it figured out. About 1 hour assembly for the headboard and about 2 hours for the night stands. These are manufactured in Canada which was a huge plus for me.
Great Product for the Money
Was super easy to assemble. The bottom board did have a huge scratch. I emailed the company right away and got back to me on a Sunday and are shipping out the replacement part. Recommend putting together on a soft surface, When laying out the pieces I did scratch the top piece so isnt the best as far as that be careful assembling. I bought the matching night stands and they were somewhat difficult to put together but got it figured out. About 1 hour assembly for the headboard and about 2 hours for the night stands. These are manufactured in Canada which was a huge plus for me.