This is a great Trampoline! My granddaughter had a small one and we’ve been wanting to upgrade to something bigger for her to enjoy time outside when she spends time with us. This was the perfect solution for that. She has a lot of fun jumping and doing new tricks. This trampoline comes with a set of stairs that attach on, which is very helpful and convenient. The lights are nice to have when it starts getting dark out. Great product!!
It took 2 of us about a hour and a half to assemble.
Excellent Trampoline!!
This is a great Trampoline! My granddaughter had a small one and we’ve been wanting to upgrade to something bigger for her to enjoy time outside when she spends time with us. This was the perfect solution for that. She has a lot of fun jumping and doing new tricks. This trampoline comes with a set of stairs that attach on, which is very helpful and convenient. The lights are nice to have when it starts getting dark out. Great product!! It took 2 of us about a hour and a half to assemble.