Built strong. Easy to assemble, its sturdy, and the storage capacity is just what I expected. I gave 4 stars on the overall bc like others have noted, the pre/drilled holes for the hinges didnt exactly align with the holes in the hinge. It still works, but two screws dont go in straight bc of this. I need to adjust one door that isnt fully closing. There are instructions to correct, but I just havent fixed it yet bc it still looks good. Were happy with the stand.
Very happy with this TV stand
Built strong. Easy to assemble, its sturdy, and the storage capacity is just what I expected. I gave 4 stars on the overall bc like others have noted, the pre/drilled holes for the hinges didnt exactly align with the holes in the hinge. It still works, but two screws dont go in straight bc of this. I need to adjust one door that isnt fully closing. There are instructions to correct, but I just havent fixed it yet bc it still looks good. Were happy with the stand.