There was a problem but they fixed it fast Delivery time was exact. So easy to assemble. Solid and sturdy and well made. Someone mentioned it is unbalanced. There are legs zippered into the bottom of the sofa to stabilize when the bed is pulled out. It might be 2 inches smaller than a full but its plenty roomy for two average sized people (my husband (510) and I (53) fit with room).
Love this so much I might buy another.
There was a problem but they fixed it fast Delivery time was exact. So easy to assemble. Solid and sturdy and well made. Someone mentioned it is unbalanced. There are legs zippered into the bottom of the sofa to stabilize when the bed is pulled out. It might be 2 inches smaller than a full but its plenty roomy for two average sized people (my husband (510) and I (53) fit with room). Love this so much I might buy another.