Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Really like this unit. Very sturdy, which is important for safety. It took a few hours to assemble, but was not difficult. Just a lot of parts to put together. Instructions were spot on, so it was easy. Everything was packaged well - it came in two boxes (both arrived at the same time.) One person can assemble the beds (which I did) even though it calls for two. You do need two people to lift the upper bed onto the lower bed as the final step.
Solid twin bed set
Cheap sturdy stylish!!! Really like this unit. Very sturdy, which is important for safety. It took a few hours to assemble, but was not difficult. Just a lot of parts to put together. Instructions were spot on, so it was easy. Everything was packaged well - it came in two boxes (both arrived at the same time.) One person can assemble the beds (which I did) even though it calls for two. You do need two people to lift the upper bed onto the lower bed as the final step.