Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. My daughter loves it! It took about 2 hours (with 3 ppl) to put it together. Instructions were straight forward even though theyre are only pictures to guide. Nice color. Soft wood, so be mindful if you have animals. Im not a fan of how she can see the wood slats for the top bunk when she lays down on the bottom. I would recommend placing something there. I am 510 and cannot sit up straight without hitting my head. I would say good for any child that it less than 5 feet tall (bottom bunk). Overall, very happy. Good product.
I would recommend !
Nice quality, easy too assemble, looks nice. My daughter loves it! It took about 2 hours (with 3 ppl) to put it together. Instructions were straight forward even though theyre are only pictures to guide. Nice color. Soft wood, so be mindful if you have animals. Im not a fan of how she can see the wood slats for the top bunk when she lays down on the bottom. I would recommend placing something there. I am 510 and cannot sit up straight without hitting my head. I would say good for any child that it less than 5 feet tall (bottom bunk). Overall, very happy. Good product.