Exceeded our expectations! We were very impressed with how easy this rocker was to assemble. Be aware that it is a 1.5 person job unless you have extra hands for balance, etc. Instructions were clear, all parts were there. The screws are long and stainless. A tool is provided to tighten the screws, so you dont need anything else for assembly. It is a straight back chair with no back curve, but it is fine for a porch. Now if we could just order up some nice weather wed be able to use it!
Exceeded our expectations!
Exceeded our expectations! We were very impressed with how easy this rocker was to assemble. Be aware that it is a 1.5 person job unless you have extra hands for balance, etc. Instructions were clear, all parts were there. The screws are long and stainless. A tool is provided to tighten the screws, so you dont need anything else for assembly. It is a straight back chair with no back curve, but it is fine for a porch. Now if we could just order up some nice weather wed be able to use it!