Assembled Quickly. My son loves this bed. He is 6 so he was a little scared of going up and down at first because there is no gap by the ladders to get over the railing. But he now loves the bed more than anything! He thinks its incredible. Lots of reviews said it was hard to put together but I (mom) did it myself in just a few hours and this was after I made every possible mistake first. Lol. Make sure that you leave the screws holding the base a little loose until the slats are put in then tighten to avoid any fitting issues. We love it!
Great bed for the money.
Assembled Quickly. My son loves this bed. He is 6 so he was a little scared of going up and down at first because there is no gap by the ladders to get over the railing. But he now loves the bed more than anything! He thinks its incredible. Lots of reviews said it was hard to put together but I (mom) did it myself in just a few hours and this was after I made every possible mistake first. Lol. Make sure that you leave the screws holding the base a little loose until the slats are put in then tighten to avoid any fitting issues. We love it!