Ive spent more money on bed frames and been sorely disappointed. this one is very easy to assemble, only took me about 1 hour by myself, would have been faster with help. all parts were included and all holes lined up. this frame is heavy enough to be sturdy (all metal frame with wooden head/foot boards) and has a reasonable weight capacity but its light enough for me to move it with the mattress using minimal effort. i love the size and look of it and there is a good clearance underneath for under-the-bed storage if needed. this is a great buy especially for the price. highly recommended!
Great Buy
Ive spent more money on bed frames and been sorely disappointed. this one is very easy to assemble, only took me about 1 hour by myself, would have been faster with help. all parts were included and all holes lined up. this frame is heavy enough to be sturdy (all metal frame with wooden head/foot boards) and has a reasonable weight capacity but its light enough for me to move it with the mattress using minimal effort. i love the size and look of it and there is a good clearance underneath for under-the-bed storage if needed. this is a great buy especially for the price. highly recommended!